Tales of a Treadler

Location: Grafton, West Virginia, United States

I enjoy working on sewing machines, and usually have them all over the house. I just added three more to my collection, and have been sewing on the one. The other two are going to take a lot of cleaning and work before I can try them out. I love to sew, mostly quilting these days, although I do sew up a few things for the house. I have fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, mitral valve prolapse, bone spurs growing on my spine, deteriorating hips and knees, so don't have lots of energy to do all the things I want, but still manage to enjoy life despite the constant pain. I love to read, a good murder mystery is my favorite, along with quilt books! LOL I love working on my website, and learning something new all the time, and am in hopes of setting up my own storefront and auction site. Oh yeah, I'm a mother and grandmother.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Today was a waste!

Today was a waste! I didn't accomplish much of anything. I've basically been in a fibrofog all day, and couldn't concentrate on anything long enough to do it.
It was supposed to get up to 40 degrees today, and quit snowing, but instead the temps dropped again, and we got at least another inch of snow, and maybe more. It is beautiful, and since I don't have to go out in it, I'm not complaining. LOL
Johnny went sled riding again, so I am having a nice quiet evening. I just wish I was sewing, but seem to be at a standstill right now, and cannot get going on a project. I have so many WIP's to finish, and that is where I need to start.
I just haven't settled in here like I wanted, I've had to keep moving things from one room to another because of the work being done on the house, and now with two rooms being shut off, I am really crowded, and that isn't conducive to sewing. At least, not for me.
I'm going to get up in the morning and move the Domestic to the other side of the room, and see if that will get me started, I am so funny, I have to be in just the right spot to sew! LOL
I often wonder if there's other people like that, would be interesting to discuss it with them, if there is. Sometimes I think God broke the mold when he made me, I always seem to be so different...
Guess I better go take pics of those sewing machine drawers I listed on the flea mkt., and get it over with.
I'm going to quit procrastinating...
I am!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Fixed the problems with my website last night

Spent yesterday evening ironing out problems with my website and uploading everything again. I felt really good about doing it, as I had been putting it off for too long. Now that the techs fixed the problems with my FrontPage extensions, it will be much easier to maintain.
I wanted to do some sewing today, but had a stack of boxes left over from my move (has it really been 22 months!) and decided to get started sorting them out. I finished some of them, and Johnny put them in the attic for me, now have to go through the rest of them tomorrow.
I had a scary moment today when I found a whole box of UFO's! Decided I couldn't cope with them right now, and they ended up in the attic (for a future generation, maybe?).
I will be so glad when the weather warms up, and I can move back into my sewing/computer room. The living room has turned into a zoo, and I have done most of my sewing in the kitchen, where machines have been migrating at an alarming rate!
I've not decided whether to paint or paper the sewing room before moving back into it. Started out wanting paper, but am now leaning toward paint, and thinking about going with white walls for as much lightness and brightness as I can get. I find dark colors to be really depressing, so have to stay away from them.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Tales of a Treadler - in the Beginning

Well, It feels funny to start a blog. I've always thought of blogs as being for the 'wild' crowd, but I guess not! Now that I'm here, I don't know what to say, so I guess I will just see how this turns out.
I should be busy listing items on ebay, but am having 'fibro fog' today, and really want to be sewing, but guess that will wait for another day. I have a 'new' sewing machine, it is called a Home Maker (imagine me having a machine with that name on it! LOL)and has 9 decorative stitches, a blind stitch, and has a built in buttonholer that does a nice buttonhole. Not sure how old it is, I'm guessing 1970's, anyway it is brown and beige, will have to take pics and show them. Of course, I took the motor off, and stuck it in a treadle cabinet, but love having that built in light, and have it, and my Davis VF facing each other in the middle of my kitchen! Shoved the table off to the corner, and it is piled down with thread and fabric. The only time I ever use it is when a friend stops by and we sit in the kitchen and drink coffee, and I usually eat at my computer.
When I got it, almost nothing worked on it, but I've got it going pretty well now. Still having a bit of a tension problem, but I think that is exacerbated by the fact that I've been using all kinds of thread in it, as I've been playing around doing freemotion embroidery on it. It does a pretty good job of it, and I may keep it just for that purpose, although I do like the fact that I can use the blind stitch to buttonhole stitch my appliques down. I will have to compare the stitch with the one on my Dressmaker and see which I like best, the only problem with that is the Dressmaker uses cams to make the decorative stitches, and it doesn't treadle as nicely as the Home Maker does!
We will see, nothing is cast in stone, so can change my mind anytime I feel like it!